At South Pole, we work with businesses and governments across the globe to promote climate action. We are a leading climate solutions provider and carbon project developer with more than 900 experts in 24 global offices.
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At South Pole, we work with businesses and governments across the globe to promote climate action, based on three pillars of work: Climate Projects, Climate Solutions and Climate Funds.

Initially focused on developing and selling high-quality carbon credits, we’ve come a long way from a purely project-driven company to what we are today: the world’s leading provider of climate solutions for private, public and nonprofit organisations. 

Our team includes industry experts in climate change, renewable energy, forests and land use, water, and sustainable cities and buildings. Based on our local knowledge and global reach, we tailor our solutions to our clients' needs and facilitate cooperation between partners in various domains of sustainability. 

Every day, in our global offices, we demonstrate the value of sustainable solutions for our clients – from the United Nations, to leading global financial institutions, to popular consumer goods brands, and more. 

Our solutions have created tens of thousands of jobs in developing countries, hundreds of millions of dollars for business, improved brand value and better living and working conditions for countless people in vulnerable communities around the world.

Ben's take

Saskia Hennecke
Benefits Research Executive at Ben

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